Nuclear Weapons are now illegal!

On 22 January 2021, the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons entered into legal force and became international law.


International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Canada


We are committed to the abolition of nuclear weapons, the prevention of war, the promotion of non-violent means of conflict resolution and social justice in a sustainable world.

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Canada is the national affiliate of IPPNW and a member of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). We are committed to education and research about the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons, militarism and climate change.


Why This Matters

The world faces unprecedented challenges to global survival. In the event of nuclear war, medicine has nothing meaningful to offer. Nuclear war continues to be the single threat that could wipe out all life on earth in an afternoon. Prevention is the only possible response. We address these threats from the perspective of health professionals.

The 50th nation has ratified the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. On 22 January 2021, the treaty entered into legal force and became international law.

“In a dark time, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons shines a light on the most promising path to free the world from the risk of indiscriminate nuclear violence. Not only does the treaty provide a comprehensive and categorical prohibition of nuclear weapons, it also provides the only internationally agreed framework for all nations to fulfill their legal obligation to eliminate nuclear weapons.”

—International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Canada


How can you help?

As health professionals with an ethical duty of care, we seek the abolition of nuclear weapons and the prevention of war.