The Bay of Fundy: Natural Wonder or Nuclear Industry test Site?

These two webinars were held in April 2021 as educational events regarding government funded plans to build experimental nuclear reactors and a plutonium extraction plant on the existing Point Lepreau nuclear power site which is located on the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick. Experts from both Canada and USA were invited to give their analyses.

IPPNWC, in its concern about the public health consequences of nuclear power was one of the seven co-sponsors. Radioactive nuclear pollution is impossible for humans to detect directly by our senses. Indeed we all have a small amount of radioactive material in our bodies from both nuclear power plants as well as from fallout from atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons, none of which is good for us.

IPPNWC is also concerned about the nuclear weapons proliferation potential, as plutonium is to be extracted during the reprocessing of spent CANDU fuel at the Point Lepreau site. India made their nuclear weapons from a gift of nuclear power from Canada. These webinars can help us understand the connection between nuclear power and nuclear weapons.

Dr Susan O’Donnell of the RAVEN project at the University of New Brunswick, the main co-ordinator of these webinars, invites “everyone to join the campaign to raise awareness about the nuclear reactors planned for the Bay of Fundy.” Dr O’Donnell continues: “Add your name and/or the name of your group to the Champions list on the website of the Coalition for Responsible Energy Development in New Brunswick (CRED-NB). We welcome Champions from across Canada and around the world. You can choose to receive regular campaign updates. The signup form and list of CRED-NB Champions is here: “Dr O’Donnell suggests: “Let’s widen the circle of people asking questions about the experimental nuclear reactors planned for the beautiful Bay of Fundy.”

Watch Panel One Below:

Presenters: Chief Hugh Akagi, Dr. Gordon Edwards, Dr. Dale Dewar. Moderator Dr. Susan O’Donnell.

Watch Panel Two Below:

Presenters: Dr. M.V. Ramana, Dr. Edwin Lyman, Chief Ron Tremblay. Moderator Dr. Janice Harvey.

“Why is the nuclear industry afraid to tell the truth? Why are they afraid to say: ‘Nuclear power is very dangerous, but we work very hard to keep it safe.’ Instead, they say, ‘It is safe,’ which is a lie.” Quote from Dr. Gordon Edwards, Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility during the first panel.


Intern with IPPNWC Summer 2021!


Meeting with Dr. Tilman Ruff: Freeing the World from the Worst Weapons